Documentaries (English version coming soon...)



Eva likes to work, but why does she does it? What would happen if we all received a regular monthly sum, a universal basic income?  Eva is exploring a story from the life of American writer Charles Bukowski.  

This year has marked 100 years since birth of Charles Bukowski. The Czech radio has asked several authors for a short piece inspired by Bukowski. Economist René Levínský and a Bukowski translator into Czech, Bob Hýsek, appear in the short (10 minutes) documentary. 

Author: Eva Blechová

Dramaturgy: Brit Jensen 

Sound: Radek Veselý



Český rozhlas byl v roce 2018 pořadatelem prestižní dokumentaristické konference International Feature Conference

Ve spolupráci s Brit Jensen, Danem Moravcem, Evou Nachmilnerovou a mnoha dalšími českými i zahraničními kolegy jsem přispěla k organizaci v roli moderátorky konference.

Foto: Khalil Baalbaki.



A docu-comedy about how we deal with the uninvited in our lives. 

An uninvited guest, a pine marten, takes up residence in Eva’s attic on the outskirts of Prague. A journey begins, including strong emotions, strong language, radicalisation on the internet and also an attempt to understand and to make peace.

The gripping story can be understood on several levels – as a comedy about an intruder or as a metaphor of our attitude to the foreign and unwanted in our lives. 

We have prepared an English translation for a slightly modified “director’s cut”. You can find it on the project’s website together with a link to the audio. 

You can hear the original Czech version broadcast in June 2016 here.  

Creative team: Eva Blechová, Gabriela Albrechtová, Standa Abrahám, Vladimír Chrz and the pine marten, of course.

More infomation about the project here.



European integration as seen from the interpretor’s booth.

How do people from 27 different countries manage to understand each other? How many interpretors are needed to make a Hungarian politician understood in Czech? And what happens if a Czech girl comes to Brussels, just as the Czech Republic enters the EU in 2004? 10 years after, this sound-rich documentary explores whether the Czech relationship with EU is a “dangerous liaison”.

Using the story of Lenka, a Czech interpretor, as a metaphor for the pains and pleasures of being part of something bigger. 

You can hear the Czech version here.  I am working on an English translation, stay tuned!

Author: Eva Blechová

Dramaturgy: Eva Nachmilnerová 

Sound design: Tomáš Procházka 



Where is my home, my Vaterland?

A radio documentary about three elderly women living near the Czech border with Germany. 

Most of their families and friends were expelled after WWII, while these ladies stayed in the beautiful and tough mountains of Krusne Hory. “At first, it was strange, but after 50, 60 years, you get used to it” says Ms Severova. 35 minutes of interview, songs, and the Czech national anthem sung in German … 

The documentary has been nominated for the Prix Europa competition in Berlin in 2013 as one of two Czech entries, and received a positive response.

English translation is available, as well as a video with German subtitles.

Author: Eva Blechová

Dramaturgy: Gabriela Albrechtová, Eva Nachmilnerová  

Sound: Roman Špála, Dominik Budil.

Thanks to Barbara Kosíková.