Link to the documentary audio (stream)

Here is the link to the full version of the broadcast in March 2013 on the Czech Radio page. The documentary is in Czech, with small parts in German.  

This web page was created to provide further information  – the audio version (in Czech) is  here,  you will find here the Czech/English transcript here, and  background information here. If you have any ideas for additions to this site, please contact us

Transcript in Czech and English

Below, you will find the transcript (for the March 2014 version) – in Czech and English. If you download it and print it out, you should be able to follow everything – on the left page in Czech and on the right page in English. Alternatively, there is an English-only version and Czech-only version below – as a download and in a document reader. 

Transcript in German - In Trinksaifen waren wir zu Hause

Thanks to the Czech radio, we now (2019) have a German transcript – to download or to read in the document reader below. 

Transcript in English

A version only in English – to download or to read in the document reader below.

Transcript in Czech

A version only in Czech for download